Sunday, March 08, 2020

Relaxing now

I spent four days this past week at the annual Prospectors convention in Toronto. It is the world's biggest mining exploration trade show and Northern Ontario had the biggest pavilion there.
It was a lot of work meeting people, doing interviews, taking pictures and writing stories but it was all worth it.
There was even a protest outside the convention centre where people expressed their displeasure at the mining industry. Interestingly, many had cell phones, which are all created with Canadian metals and minerals. Many wore gold and silver jewellery. One woman was upset that I took her photograph when she stood in front of me to block me from taking photos of protesters. Interesting.

Regardless I met a lot of nice people, enjoyed a lot of hospitality and was glad I attended. One of the fun things was going to all the parties. I was at the Northern Ontario party Monday night when I was pleased to bump into my niece Valerie Maltais and her husband Denis Flood. How cool was that? (I missed getting their photo, but Val took a selfie of the two of us.)
I also met tonnes of other people I had not seen in quite a while. I think the best part of the convention is meeting folks you've met over the years and getting caught up on how they are and what they're doing now. Mining is an international business and so it is not unusual to meet people who have travelled to Toronto from around the world. I even met a radio producer from Asia who said he knew me because of the stories I had written for mining, including the murder at the mining convention.

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