Thursday, May 30, 2019

No more couch-crashing for Neil!

Neil is planning to visit Sudbury this summer. It will be nice to for him because he gets to see Jennifer and her family, as well as this old man. In the past poor Neil has had to crash on the couch. Luckily I managed to purchase a very big couch just for that purpose.  It is always great when he visits.
But now Neil can enjoy his beauty rest when he visits me. Today I was able to purchase one of those very nice camp-bed air-mattresses. It will fit nicely in the small second bedroom in my apartment. I set it up and it is very big and very comfortable! Let's call it a belated birthday gift. Neil's birthday was one month ago.
It is called the Coleman All-Terrain Plus, whatever the hell that means. It might mean you can set it up anywhere and sleep. I am sure that will suit Neil just fine. Thjis mattress is rated for 400 pounds. That means you can enjoy a late night poutine before you crash!

Happy B'Day Bud! LOL

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