Saturday, October 17, 2009

Jenn's chocolate brownie breakfast...

It was good to talk with Jennifer last night (Thursday). She sounded in good spirits despite the fact she had some digestive cramping. She is also getting ready to start her new round of chemo therapy. I think the real reason she was in good spirits was because she had a chocolate brownie that Denise picked up for her at a bake sale. Jenn got a kick out of letting me know. Just to keep you in the loop, I have a habit of having chocolate cake for breakfast… I just find it improves my whole outlook for the day. Jenn was pleased to let me know she has picked up on some of my good habits. I was busy all day Friday, but I will chat with her again Saturday.


Unknown said...

I thouht she was starting her chemo on friday.I'm planning on visiting her next week.Hope she's up to it.

Unknown said...

sorry got the date wrong on ur blog. my missunderstsnding