Sunday, February 26, 2023

My camera is almost nine years old

 I knew it was going to happen one of these days. My old Canon 70D camera, the one I bought new in June of 2014, just turned over 10,000 activations. Now that doesn't mean the camera is no good anymore. Canon assures me the cam is good for 100,000 pictures. So that's not too bad. 

There have been a couple of occasions in the past few years, where I thought I should buy a newer and updated cam.I paid $2,500 back in 2014 for this one, and it now sells on Amazon for half price at about $1,000 to $1,200. I was thinking of selling my Canon and buying the new Sony A6 or A7 Mirrorless.

The funny thing is I was on an assignment recently and chatted with a long time photographer at the Sudbury Star who told me my cam is so loaded with features, why would I want to sell it. I think I need to go back and read the manual. I honestly don't know how to use many of the features. 

I told him my cell phone can take pictures and I can send them back to the office by email. Apparently I can do the same with this camera. I have never used the built-in wireless feature because I never took the time to learn. This camera can also operate remotely through a computer, can record conversations and record high definition video as well. 

Maybe I should stay away from camera stores for awhile.

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