Saturday, January 29, 2022

We are a nation of whiners

 I was pleased to cover the trucker's protest convoy at is rolled through parts of Northern Ontario on Friday. It was nice to see people demonstrating and getting some frustrations off their chest.  

I was concerned in reading some of the comments from people on social media who seem to think that they are living a terrible life in Canada because of the pandemic and all the inconveniences we have to endure. Yes it is frustrating and irritating at times.

So the truckers don't like mandates. Oh well. Good thing the restaurant cooks went to work so the truckers could get some food. Likewise for the grocery stores. Glad they stayed open. And kudos to the fuel station workers who managed to show up for work. That way people can still buy gasoline and diesel.  And for the thousands of protesters going to Ottawa, I see Facebook postings of them from their hotel rooms. Ohhh the hardship! 

So here we are as Canadians in 2022. It got me thinking back to the time of 1942 when there was a war on all around the world and people really had serious things to worry about. People today can't seem to remember that part of our history when Canadians had to really sacrifice personal liberties and go without a lot of creature comforts. 

We have become a nation of whiners.

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