Saturday, January 08, 2022

Everything changes ... eventually

Anyone who knows me well knows I am (was) a diehard fan of the BlackBerry phone. I have used BlackBerrys for about 15 years and they have been useful and served me nicely. Things change. BlackBerry announced this past week it is no longer supporting the operating system for its phones. In fact, BlackBerry no longer makes cellular phones -- interesting since it was BlackBerry that invented the smartphone.   
It was the same day I noticed my own phone was acting up. So after doing some research and speaking to a lot of people about their own phone choices, I went out Friday and purchased a new device. I have an iPhone 12 now. It seems to have far more bells and whistles than I will ever use, but I am impressed with the photography aspects.
Apple says the software and supporting programs are good for six to seven years. So we will see how it goes. 

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