Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A brighter day ...

Sometimes, something happens that is a pleasant surprise. Jennifer and I had lunch in a downtown diner this week in Sudbury. It was nice. On the way out, Jenn was paying for her parking chit when a nearby man began speaking to her quietly. At first I thought it might be one of her patients from work, so I kept a discreet distance.
Then I heard Jennifer tell the man, in a 'take charge' voice: “Well I won't give you spare change, but if you're hungry, I will buy you some food.”
The man said yes, he was hungry. Jenn told the man to follow her and they went back into the diner. The man sat down. They spoke for a moment. Jennifer grabbed a menu and went to the counter where she spoke to the waitress. Something was ordered. Jenn paid for it and that was it. Nice eh?
With all the other crap that goes on in this world, my whole day suddenly got better. Thank you Jenn.

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