Monday, October 05, 2009

A grreat day for Jennifer ... at home!

What a fabulous weekend for Jennifer. She is indeed feeling stronger and more energetic. You can imagine my surprise when I got a call from her on Sunday, saying not to call her at the hospital… the doctor had agreed to let her go home for a few hours! Jenn says she was just as surprised as anyone. Her doctor was visiting Sunday morning and Jennifer asked when it might be possible to get out of the hospital and spent a bit of time at home. The doctor said “how about today?” Jennifer burst into tears and before you knew it, Scottie picked her up, put her in the truck and they drove home. Jenn says it was an excellent day and of course, she was also pleased to see Buddy and Lucky, the dog and cat. So they ordered pizza, which Jenn says she was able to eat. How cool is that? Jennifer also gave a bone marrow sample from her hip this morning, so sometime this week, she will get news on how effective the chemo therapy was in killing the cancerous blood cells. Jenn says she was told to expect another round of chemo-therapy regardless. The success of the first chemo-therapy session will likely determine the exact nature of the drugs used on the second session. Let’s keep a good thought.


Anonymous said...

oh, good news. tears in my eyes but good tears. glad jen was able to be home if only for a bit. it must suck to not be at home and not be with the kids and scott. i really feel for ya jen. so great and pizza, yippee, must be better than broth and juice!!
in my thoughts every day, thanks so much for this blog!

Line said...

Denise told me about Jenn's visit home, she was very excited. There's nothing like family to boost your spirits.