Friday, August 05, 2022

First time using iPhone for work photos

So I have been shooting -- photographing -- car crashes for years. Today was a first for me. I shot all the pictures on my iPhone and then just as quickly I was able to send the pics back to the office as part of a text message. It took about 45 seconds.  

I know other reporters have been doing this for several years, but it was a first for me. The editor took a phone call and said there was a crash over on Lorne Street. I was the only one in the office at that moment, so I grabbed my camera bag and scooted out to the parking lot. In about nine minutes I was at the scene. No big deal, but traffic was backed up everywhere. I knew it would take several minutes to pull out my big Canon DSLR, fire off a bunch of shots and then get the photos back to the office. 

But it was nice and sunny so instead I pulled out the phone, took half a dozen pics from different angles and walked back to my car. I thumbed through the pictures, typed in the editor's text address and attached the photos. Just to be sure, I then telephoned the editor. As soon as he answered the phone, he said, "we have the pictures." Cool.

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