Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Bell Media bullshit

I am confused by the decision of CTV / Bell Media to part ways with well-respected news anchor Lisa LaFlamme. But I am not surprised. I have seen this over the years in my experience as a broadcaster where management interferes with the newsroom. I have worked for both CTV and CBC, in situations as a reporter and as a news manager.

Broadasting is a business. It is about selling advertising that is featured as part of regular programming. When management cannot successfully sell enough advertising, or successfully run a broadcast unit,  they turn on the newsroom and point fingers saying that somehow it is the fault of the news people that not enough advertising revenue is coming in. 

But that's not true. We need to get better sales people who can do their job. We need better managers to run the stations.

Leave the newsrooms alone. Let the news people do their job. Quit interfering.

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