Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Way to go, Captain Kirk.

 I was more than pleased to read that William Shatner is going into space. The original actor from the Star Trek series is being given a ride into space with the Blue Origin space team, a private sector space exploration company. 

It's just a nice thing to happen. Shatner is 90 years old, but is still a pretty active guy. I am happy for him. I know there are critics who say that billionaires who spend money flying to space are wrong and that they would be better off spending their money to solve problems on Earth.

Horsefeathers! It's their money. It's their business. I get tired of people saying what others should do.

Just hush! Mind your own business. If you're so all fired up worried about the world, get off the internet, sell your iPhone and invite a homeless drug addict to sleep in your guest room for a year. Then sell your car and hold your breath for a few minutes each day to reduce your carbon footprint. And stop eating bacon. If you're that type of person, you don't deserve bacon.  Bacon is for happy people.

In the meantime, I hope Shatner has an enjoyable time in his 10 minutes away from this planet. 

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