Tuesday, April 27, 2021


I think this is a genuine mental health issue.

Ever since the pandemic began, people are commenting on news sites... all the time!

I think some commenting is okay.

But some people are now commenting several times a day. We see it a lot.

The things some people say are ...hmmmm... what's the word. CRAZY!

Just last week our company decided that commenting is going too far, with nasty accusations and bullying.

So they made a decision that no more commenting will be allowed on our Facebook Page.

Wow, people were angry. It's like that's all some people have to do.

Interestingly, our LIKEs went up by 27 per cent and there was a 103 per increase in website traffic. 

Well I guess the crazies will have to find a new hobby like sniffing out horseshit in the park. 

When it comes to dealing with whacked out nutjobs, I guess I am not too sensitive. 

Look below at some of the comments that have come through in the past week.

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They are LITERALLY lying about a pandemic that DOES NOT EXIST AT ALL...just to push their Maoist ideologies. Hope you see how YOU, the media, is complicit in this lie.


What an absolute joke. We don't even need lockdowns or anything because THERE IS NO VIRUS! This is ALL a lie.

Absolute tyranny and overreach....beyond belief.


Oh, look. A death. Guess what? VAERS only reports about 1% of adverse events...including deaths!! So whatever VAERS shows, you can best believe those numbers are x100.

Wait until people start getting their 2nd inoculations....that's when the cytokine storms begin within and your cells begin to attack your own cells and THEY DIE. Your cells die...YOU DIE. Or, "cancer" develops....because all "cancer" is IS dead cells unable to be purged from the body due to the lymphatic system (the sewer system aka your adrenals, kidneys, liver, etc) UNABLE TO FILTER OUT YOUR TOXINS BECAUSE, due to bad habits, poor diet, etc; YOU HAVE DESTROYED THESE ORGANS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time to wake up, folks. Big pharma is a cartel and they need you sick so they can keep you as a CUSTOMER and pillage your soul and money.


There is NO pandemic. There is a FRAUD that is being perpetuated by you, the media propagandists, following the orders of government, who listen to the satanic and fraudulent big pharma cartel!!

There it is in a nutshell...you are psychologically TRAUMA BONDED to all 3!!

Come over to the side of truth...yeah, you will get mad you been lied to....but, life is SO MUCH BETTER when you are FREED FROM LIES.

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