Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Canada's national war memorial is the best

 Have to say Canada's national war memorial is one of the most dynamic I've ever seen. A lot of these memorials around the world are just hunks of fancy granite. Canadians can be proud of this amazing sculpture in downtown Ottawa, topped by the symbolic bronze figures of Peace and Freedom.

 I remember when I first saw it I was about 10 years old and I stared at it for the longest time, just admiring the faces and grimaces of the exhausted soldiers busting through the gates, moving forward in apparent victory. Maybe they were just glad to be getting back home. But this sculpture is much more. There are sailors, airmen and even highlanders. There are nurses, stretcher bearers, artillerymen on horseback pulling a battlefield caisson and a cannon; 22 figures in all. What a fabulous tribute to all the amazing Canadians - the men and women-  who fought for our Peace and Freedom. 

(Photo Credit: Alan MacLeod

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