Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Coping with COVID ...

Thinking what it will be like in Canada – or anywhere – a year from now. This is the most bizarre time ever. I remembering reading about the Spanish Flu of 1918 – 1919 and thinking something like that could never happen again.

I never imagined that a virus could bring the world to a standstill so quickly. When we get the all-clear, will it really be safe? Or will we all be willing to take a chance that we won’t get sick from something else? I guess it shows how frail we human beings really are in the big scheme of things.

It also brings home the reality of things that are important. Nothing seems to matter to me anymore other than the health and safety of the people close to me.

If there is anything good from all this, hopefully it is that people have demonstrated the importance of communal teamwork. There are so many good examples of people or organizations doing things to help other people. I hope we all learn to appreciate people more.

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