Friday, September 06, 2019

My new toy

Yes, it is a toy I am going to enjoy because now I can save old photos in a digital format. I had a photo scanner several years ago where I could copy slides and photos, but eventually it stopped working.

This is a new device from KODAK called a Scanza that is able to copy slides and negatives and produce reasonable looking photographs.

It will take some time, but I hope to go through the thousands of old photos and negs and get some of more important shots converted to digital jpegs.

So tried a few tonight and came up with some photos from 40 years ago! The quality doesn’t match up to the digital work we do these days, but overall it is not bad.

Over the years I was in the habit of dragging around a camera where ever I went, so I have accumulated quite a stack of images. Bit by bit I will get them copied and will share some of them here.
So here we have election night coverage in 1976, Mike Doody and his wife Charlene arriving at city hall that night (Dec.6, 1976) as Mike was elected as the new mayor, Len the miner  in 1980 and Neil in the Kitchen at Caseys in 1996!

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