Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Day

It's just after 11:00 p.m. and I am winding down with a glass of whiskey after a really nice day. I haven't enjoyed a whiskey in awhile since I had a cold and my sense of taste was gone ... not gonna waste it, if I can't taste it! But today is my birthday, so I poured a glass. I was so pleased today to get phone calls from my brother Gary, my sister Debra, son Neil and daughter Jennifer. Of course I also chatted with Tyler and Nathan. Victoria sent me a really nice e-mail. And I got dozens of nice notes on Facebook, including one from Christine, Ronald's daughter. She said my brother Ron is still is still "in the FOB right now" and not able to get to a phone. Ron is in Afghanistan and the FOB is a forward operating base, which means it's basically a few tents, a few tanks and a latrine. But I know he would call if he could. He always does. But it has been such a nice day. When I think of all the nice people I know, I realize I am blessed. : )


Anonymous said...

Hope i'm still in your nice people I don't get to see you often, but it was nice running into, especially on your special day. Prefer not to say my name, but you know who it

Len said...

Ofr course I know who it is, and yes, you'll always be special for so many good reasons. Thanks for the hug! And by the way, nice jeans! ;)