Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Wow... what a day!

It was April Fool's Day and Mother Nature pulled a fast one on Timmins with a howling snow storm.(look in the pic for the flag blowing in the wind!) For the first time this winter, they closed the highways into and out of the city because of the white-out conditions. The snow and wind howled till about five oclock this afternoon, just on time for everyone to get home and shovel their driveways. This day is also Tyler's birthday so in honour of my first grandson I enjoyed chocolate cake for breakfast! I should mention that I happened to have the cake because yesterday was my birthday and even though I worked late, I managed to sneak over to Claudette's place for a late night bite of cake and some coffee and Bailey's. Storm or no storm... chocolate cake for breakfast is a great way to start the day!

1 comment:

little miss Éva said...

Wow... I remember those days from my brief time in Timmins. I remember that it started snowing November 4 (pretty late) BUT IT DID NOT STOP - NOT FOR ONE SECOND UNTIL MAY!!!

Great times though :) And I now own snow tires.