Sunday, May 29, 2022

The court is wrong

I do not support capital punishment. Too often, our courts have made mistakes. Innocent people have been executed in the past. Innocent people have been sent to jail. 

But by the same token, I do not support giving parole to extreme criminals who have been clearly convicted of extreme crimes. I never liked the idea of seeing convicted killers go free after 10 or 15 years. 

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled this past week that it was wrong for Canadian courts to impose consecutive life sentences, thus effectively denying parole to extreme criminals.

The court will now allow convicted killers to seek parole after 25 years. I do not agree with that.  If you are an extreme criminal, such as one of those people involved in mass shootings, I believe you spend life in prison. If you are innocent, there are enough ways to find out and set you free.

The justice system in Canada is not perfect; never has been. Now it will be even less so. My opinion. 

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