Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Got my shot!

 Well this is a good week so far. I had signed up a few weeks back for a vaccine to be delivered through a local pharmacy. It was the AstraZeneca vaccine. The sign-up was easy, but several days passed and I had no word back from the pharmacy. So I went online and signed up with the Ministry of Health to get the Moderna Vaccine. That too was easy and the vaccine day was set for Thursday April 22. Then suddenly on Sunday I got a text on my phone to respond to the pharmacy. So I did. Come by on Monday morning at 10:40 they said. So I did. It was just like going to get a flu shot. The needles are incredibly sharp, so you don't even feel it being jabbed. Anyone who has a tattoo will know that some needles can be painful. 

So that was all good. The pharmacy was in Val Caron so I dropped by to see Jenn and have a wonderful cup of coffee. It was nice to get caught up and to chat. Unfortunately, with the COVID-19 lockdown in Ontario, Tyler and Nate were temporarily out of work.

This will be a longer week that usual because I have to cover off on the weekend, but the good part is that I will be off four days in a row next week. Right now I am watching NBC news online to see what the verdict will be in the Derek Chauvin murder trial. Whatever happens it will be interesting for sure. 

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