Thursday, December 31, 2020

A good Christmas eh

Christmas morning at Scott and Jennifer's place was like a postcard. I loved all that new snow. It was so quiet and peaceful and cold enough to make you bundle up. I arrived on Christmas Eve and stayed over for the night.

It was great that all the gang from our social circle was there. It was nice to spend time with them and just talk with people again.

One of the best things was a jug curling event organized by Scott on the rink behind the house. We had so much fun. I think it is definitely a new Christmas tradition for the Alexander house.

It was the perfect way to put aside all the frustrations and worries of 2020.  Denise, Victoria and Christine also organized a game day in the garage, which was a bit hit.

We also had a fabulous dinner thanks to Denise and Don who cooked everything at their place and then brought all the food out to Val Caron.

If there is one good thing from the pandemic, I think it is that it made us appreciate how nice it is when we can all get together.

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