Saturday, April 25, 2020

More reading ...

It has to be one of my guilty pleasures; reading something when I don't have to read... like when I am working. I was pleased to pick up my Kobo recently to discover that over a period of months, I had purchased several books that I knew I would read someday. I read two books last week, just zoomed through them as I was enjoying my isolation, like most other Canadians.
I also noticed that my supply of coffee is dwindling along with Baileys while I read … so I know I've done a lot of reading.
On Friday, I selected a book by the well-known author Leon Uris. It kept me up late Friday night and has taken up most of my time on this Saturday. I had to cook supper so I have taken a break. As I was reading through this classic -- Battle Cry -- it occurred to me that it was such a good story it could have been a movie.
Imagine my surprise when I googled the title and found it was indeed made into  movie in 1955. It really is a compelling story.
Oh well it is past 6 p.m. time for supper, some whiskey and more reading.
Stay home, stay healthy.

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