Sunday, February 21, 2016

A perfect day ...

It’s one of those things when you really feel alive and well. I took in the winter hike today at Hersey Lake. I missed it last winter and so it was important to me to get out this year. I absolutely love the silence in the forest and the hike itself was indeed refreshing. Although I should not have worn my parka. It was minus 18 when I headed out, but I would have been better off wearing a couple of layers of fleece and a windbreaker. The parka was just too warm for this sort of thing. And soon I was sweating. And then my glasses fogged up! But it was still a good thing because the weather was so sunny and perfect. And I also met so many people out enjoying the day. It was so nice. I think I expended too many calories. I will have to import a few Single Malt calories after supper tonight.

By the way I shot the photos with my new Nikon coolpix pocket cam. It is water proof and weather proof. It works so nicely. I am very pleased.

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