Tuesday, March 31, 2009

55 and counting

It's a good day. I forgot what day it was, but for some good reason I had chocolate cupcakes with my coffee this morning. I don't know why that happened, but I feel good now that I didn't just have cereal! Then at work, my calendar popped up on the screen to note that it was March 31. That's when I remembered today is my birthday. I used to think being middle-aged was old. Well I sure don't think like that now. I am old-ER, not old. Luckily I have some great friends who keep me young... or at least I can pretend eh. And when I turned my home computer on this afternoon I noticed I had several birthday messages on Facebook. I even got a note from one of my cousins who is traveling around North Africa, but was nice enough to drop a quick line. How cool is that?


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention phone calls from sisters too!

Anonymous said...

Hi I sent a "Happy Birthday" but being somewhat coputer illiterate I guess it did not work. Anyways so much for freedom 55 eh?