A belated Thank You to John Curtis, my brother in law, for shooting most of the great photos of Jennifer’s wedding. He did a fab job. And thanks to my favorite sister Deb for dragging John north to Sudbury. John has a thing about traveling anywhere north of Highway 7! ( ha ha ha) Thanks also for bringing the boys, Alex and Scott, a couple of the coolest guys I know. Sheesh what a good looking family eh!
Great photo of the Curtis gang. I look forward to the next time I see them in person.
What we have here folks is/are two Curtis's and two Gillis's.....John, is Scottie your version of "mini me",?
Debra you look smashing, great outfit and the awesome hair!!!!!It's a shame we're so old when we finally get it all together...n'est pas? hahahaha
Alex, you could blend into just about any of your Cape Breton rellie's families.
Great shot of all of youse!!!!!
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